I can’t believe the number of extremely important mail such as: W2 forms, checks, billing statements being delivered to wrong address even though the printed address is 100% correct.
If the address says: 896 SW9th Street you deliver there not to SW9th Terrace!!! If it says: 896 SW9th Street Circle Apt 106, you deliver there! Not to a single family home at 896 SW9th Terrace.
Postal workers can’t read any longer? Can’t see the difference of: Ter, St, St Circle?
Do not trust USPS
Manager at this office got away with giving a false police report on a good citizen in the process of performing a constitutionally protected activity.
I’ve had the worst experience with the post office and will never use it again for as long as I live. UPS is my new best friend. I sent a sculpture to my aunt in Missouri. It was completely wrapped in bubble wrap. I paid for insurance and fragile stickers. It arrived completely destroyed like they played soccer with it. Now, they are telling me that I have to have my senior aunt go to post office and get a check???? She did not pay for it! I did! Who writes checks??? And then she has to mail it to me. Please come into the 21st century!! Any other return anywhere you swipe your card and they give it back to you. I’m going on a campaign everyday from now on for people not to send anything of value thru usps. I will post a terrible review every single day. Unbelievable.
I live in Boca Terrace Condos and never get my packages for USPS. I’m lucky if my mail doesn’t go to one of my neighbors, I get more of their mail then my own mail. Pieces of mail are always left out front to see who it belongs to by the mailbox center as no one seems to be able to get their own mail. It was nice when we had a little own mail box units in front of each building years ago instead of one big center where the carriers don’t seem to be able to put the mail in the right unit box
We have a business at 1499 West Palmetto Park Road # 208 the postal worker jammed a package into box # 6 and we cannot get it out. We have left notes in our box and on the outside of the mail slot. The postal worker is ignoring us and we need them to unlock the box and bring up the package as the metal shield is blocking us from getting the package. Please ask the worker to bring up our mail ASAP