Kissimmee Carrier Annex Post Office
3050 Polynesian Isle Blvd, Kissimmee, FL 34746
Contact Numbers
Phone: 407-396-7001
Fax: 407-396-7005
TTY: 877-889-2457
Toll-Free: 1-800-Ask-USPS® (275-8777)
Carrier Facility: This location is for mail processing only. For retail services, please use one of the nearby locations below.
*Comments below are not read by postal employees. Please do not post personal
Mail sent to the wrong address

I need a supervisor to call me asap!
Regarding a change of address I did not make. Please stop sending my mail to 3240 winding lane Kissimmee 34746. I do not live there and I haven’t been receiving any mails. The people at that address are not sending my mails to me. So only God knows where my mails are going. My privacy info is being exposed. This is urgent someone need to contact me ASAP!!!
Ed Malinowsky

Stent registered mail from local office on Dec10 to family in Lima Ohio. As of this date Dec 23 the still not have gotten it. contents priceless
Ann from Massachusetts

What's the hold-up there? My food order has been stuck in Kissimmee since October 19. Don't have problems with other USPS offices, and the one in my town is especially friendly and efficient. Someone needs to check into what the problem is in Kissimmee.
Pablo quinones

I have notice i have not reieved my mail mail comes for roommate i have not gotten mail since 8 10 20 would like input as to why i am not getting my mail

Charles Smaw Jr. aka Charles Smaw and Yvette Copeland Smaw

Original change of address confirmation letter received and dated January 31, 2020. Charles is missing his mail from Elefterakis Elefterakis & Panek, (EE&P) March 23, 2020. Both mails were addressed with our new address for Charles and Yvette; and was also confirmed both left New York on Friday. March 20, 2020. Yvette received March 23, 2020 and Charles mail did not arrive. (Case #07644622 for Charles Smaw).
Second, we need our mail forwarded to our new address, we paid our fee and received our confirmation (2 separate confirmation codes) letter dated January 31, 2020 (Case #07406530 for Yvette Copeland Smaw.) USPS customer service has escalated our address confirmation asking for feedback and survey to be completed. We will need to take further steps as soon as possible as there has been no resolve at this time. We will soon alert the proper authorities including Social Media to be sure we retrieve Charles mail that did not arrive on March 23, 2020 and also Charles Smaw and Yvette Copeland Smaw verified with official change of address be resolved. Respectfully,
Charles Smaw and Yvette Copeland Smaw.
Carlos Vera
Hi. I need to know about tracking my package. I´ve bought trough and it was posted as "delivered" however it never becomes. I want to know if my package is in your post office. Please, contact me by e-mail.
Robert and Bonny Campis

Please e-mail me all copies of receipts from a company called "Luminess Air". I received a package from them on July 11, 2018. I have this receipt but unfortunately I cannot locate the receipts after sending back their product and also never received my "return receipt" when I sent them a certified letter. I would greatly appreciate your assistance. Any questions, please e-mail me at or text [number removed].
Bonny Campis