Pace Carrier Annex Post Office
4584 Chumuckla Hwy, Milton, FL 32571
Contact Numbers
Phone: 850-994-9215
Fax: 850-995-4563
TTY: 877-889-2457
Toll-Free: 1-800-Ask-USPS® (275-8777)
Lobby Hours
Monday 8:30am - 4:30pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 4:30pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 4:30pm
Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm
Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm
Saturday 10:00am - 12:00pm
Sunday Closed
Last Collection Times
Monday 4:00pm
Tuesday 4:00pm
Wednesday 4:00pm
Thursday 4:00pm
Friday 4:00pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
*This facility does not process US Passports applications or renewals. Check nearby locations below.
Nearby Post Offices:
5111 Dogwood Dr
4.2 miles away
7150 Tippin Ave
4.5 miles away
4629 Forsyth St
5.1 miles away
1450 Old Chemstrand Rd
5.4 miles away
*Comments below are not read by postal employees. Please do not post personal


Bruce & Cheryl technically deserve 0stars. Customer service & work ethics are non-existent. Both of these two were caught committing postal fraud and business fraud. They weighed the 12x12 box they sold me and it weighed 5.3 according to Cheryl- but when Bruce was entering it in to charge me he changed the weight to 6lbs and deminsions to13x13 to get more money. They charged me for priority 3 day shipping, but then actually sent it thru USPS as select ground parcel which is the worst, slowest and cheapest option. Bruce said 3 days, but when I tracked the box it was not to be delivered for another 18 days. I went up there to get my package back because this was a very expensive hand-crotchet ahfgan that Was A Very Important gift for my mom in Alaska. They were unable to give me my box back but promised to have it returned and they would overnight it to her. 20 days later they still had done nothing. I went up there to get a refund. This is when there true colors showed. Very NASTY DISHONEST people. Cheryl (who admitted to her husbands fraud was a completely diff person when it came to handing $ back). She told me NO your not getting a refund “it made it there, didn’t it”... it did- 18 days after the date, and when my mom had the post office weigh and measure it- Amazing- it still weighed 5.3 and was 12x12. They said it should’ve shipped for $18-22.78 for 3 day and $7.28 for the select ground parcel. So they overcharged me by $31-32. Go fig. While in there discussing this Bruce got Very Aggresive with me, I’m a woman for one and I’m handicapped in crutches and unable to stand or walk for long. Perhaps they thought I’m dumb too, but I have a college degree and my young child knows has better work ethics than either of these two. When Bruce threw his 12x12 box on the counter and put his tape measure on it and hollered at me to measure it (which it was on 12in’s and stated size on box) I knew this crook was taking this down a disgusting path. He says he can put whatever measure he wants. Knowingly adding an extra inches to put it in a diffferent class is one thing but charging more for faster ship and then putting the cheap label on the box is down-right mail fraud. Grossly disturbing, and if this how they behave in our community then good luck. We will take our business 2 min’s down the rd where the post office is and work with honest Ethical Pace community members!