So for almost a week now I had a package in transit go through and get stuck in this facility, it happens to be food and the order has been sitting since 3am on March 8th. its march 14th now. The hell are you guys doing. How can you be having issues for so long(years at this point) with just doing the daily job of routing packages. Pathetic
Don't listen to all the Trolls sent here by First amendment Auditors to try to decrediblise all the good work you are doing , congratulations and continue the fine respectful treatment of customers , we appreciate you and your good work ethic and politeness and respect .
After reading other complaints, why is your facility so horrible? My package has been stuck there as well? And the USPS wonders why other companies are used more.
I've been waiting on a package that has been at your location since Dec. 1st and hasn't moved since. I understand delays happen, especially around holidays, but over a week is ridiculous. Is there a customer service number I can call? I would like my package sent out immediately if possible. Thanks.
I have been waiting on a package that has been held at this location since 11/4/21. Is there a customer service number I can get ahold to a live rep? Thanks
'm expecting a package that I ordered online, I live in makati Minnesota . For the last week tracking says my package is waiting at this post office, i need it sent out to me immediately
tracking a package JCEUF01000055958YQ in tracking it so far you received it on 6-7-2021 wondering where my packing is Please advise
Debra Gromacki 4926 N 127th Street , Butler WI 53007
Same here- been waiting for a package from China since February. I thought place was a scam, here package has been sitting in Melrose Park USPS all this time. Why does it take so long for them to deliver our packages? It’s insane
• Replied to Kirk S
Kari C
Same problem as EVERYONE else. You have had a package which includes medications for Over a week sitting there with no updates 9374869903506675466029
Okay this is ridiculous 😂 everyone is having the same problems here. I have a package that was supposed to get to me a month ago (March) and the tracking just stopped in Melrose, IL, what I assume to be this Post Office. I can no longer get my money back from the company I bought from because it's been so long since they shipped it. Why is my package sitting in this place since March 22nd. If it was lost, simply say lost not "tendered". It doesn't take a month for a package in IL to get to WI. It's weird because I've gotten a package from the same place and they've shipped through Melrose Park before and I didn't have a problem, so what's different now?
I spent a lot of money on this package and it's frustrating to see so many people having this issue. If anyone figures out what to do please let us know!
I have tracked down my package from DHL and it has been sitting there at this sorting center since April 14! My sons birthday is this Sunday which is three days away! Someone please do their job and get this place under control or SHUT IT DOWN! Thank you for ruining my sons birthday, he is going to be 14!
This is ridiculous so everyone's packages are just sitting at this post offices for weeks and they dont know anything smh or they telling people they dont have the package I've been waiting since March 26th to get my products I have a business to run
I've had the same issue with this facility - package sitting there since March 12th - it's April 5th, the told me they don't have the info for it when I called.
I have another package that's been there since March 31st - the same thing is probably going to happen with this one too.
How is this place still open?
I live in Iowa and mines been sitting there little over a week. Tracking never has changed! No info whatsoever since! Very frustrated! 😡
• Replied to Lacey Grubb
I have called every number for this post office and no one answers the phone.
You received my package on 3/17/2021 TENDERED FOR DELIVERY
After three days it is not delivered
I have called every number for this post office and no one answers the phone. You received my package on 2/28/2021 TENDERED FOR DELIVERY Please send my package to my address . This is the tracking number for my package 420600159274890277961002422388.
Can anyone answer the phone my moms prescription lenses have been “pre-shipment for more than 2 weeks tracking number is 9274890277961003735579 someone please email me and tell me what’s going on. Thank you
No one at your facility answers the phone. I am looking for a package that is going to Winthrop Harbor Illinois but seems to be stuck in Melrose Park. The tracking number is 936-128-9937100061481666.
My package has not been delivered been in pre-shipment since the 27th highly disappointed.. I live almost 3-4 hours away and you can’t just simply send it off to the next USPS.. :/ My tracking is 420490149274890249338878927496 someone please help
My package has been here for over a week now and there hasn’t been any other updates. Tracking number is 92612902601435111129713880
Can someone check on this for me?
Lost Medication for over a week now. Ignorant Supervisor can only look up what I can and never gives an answer. WORST postal service ever for the past 4 yrs... Y oh Y do I keep going back.... Gluten for punishment I guess. So called Post Master is never working and the staff lies to your face about best way to get there only to tell u later.... well there is no guarantee or sorry, its lost at this time.... WTF. Fire all of them and start with a REAL considerate staff who is not everpaid to take extended 2 hour lunches!!!
I have a package that has been setting in Melrose, IL for weeks now with the tracking number 9274890249338872648984. Can you please send my package to Ohio? Once the package was scanned here there are no other updates as of where the package is or when it will arrive.
I was wondering when I will be getting my package I have the tracking number 420531409274890249338868709439 and it was supposed to be here before Christmas and I haven’t got it. So I was just wondering if I can get it please
My package has been here since dec 17 tracking number 9374869903505923457611. Still no updates on anything it’s just sitting here ? So I’m getting a little concerned and confused as to why none of our packages are moving
It's close to a week and still no update of my packet it's just been stuck in this place.can someone please get this place checked out like this is insane all this reviews and we keep having the same issue!!!!
Waiting for a package with tracking number 420531899261290249338881871049 which has been sitting at the Melrose Park Post Office since November 13, 2020. I have yet to receive said package. The delivery date was December 3rd, then December 9th. Why have I not received my package?
I ordered an item from SEEED in China. The SEEED tracking number is: 303133037635
It arrived at Ohare on 11-26-20. It was received and encoded on 11-29-20 at Melrose Park, and given the USPS tracking number: 420550579274890249338861100745
There is no evidence of movement and delivery to me in Northfield, Minnesota.
Can you folks tell me what's going on?
USPS package #9374869903505681281855
Delivery truck
ProcessedIn transitDelivered
Nov 12 12:36 AM Melrose Park, IL, United States Arrived shipping partner facility, USPS awaiting item
Nov 10 9:57 PM Compton, CA, United States Departed shipping partner facility, USPS awaiting item
Oct 22 12:08 AM Compton, CA, United States Shipping label created, USPS awaiting item
Waiting for my parcel to be released from your office, 5 days sitting there.
Mail Innovations drop-offs to your facility need to be stopped IMMEDIATELY until this office can guarantee timely processing and distribution of packages. The delay in scanning and forwarding packages is ridiculously long.
My package has been sitting at your facility for over three weeks and no additional information regarding when it will be shipping is available on your automated system. Reading the messages below, these delays have been going on at this facility for some time.
I’m waiting on my package too to get delivered to texas
• Replied to genoveva mendez
Russell Mars
I was driving on Lake Street today Friday the 28th in one of your postal workers was driving very very recklessly and carelessly and she needed to be reported because it was a woman African-American I have the Vin number the speed limit was 30 and she must’ve been going 60
The white van number was 7224565 She needs to be disciplined for driving recklessly and could’ve killed someone
@ Russell, you say" she needed to be reported because it was a woman African-American" ..WOW!!!
• Replied to Russell Mars
Christina Schultz
I'm not very happy. Like most reviews I've read about this postal facility, I too have not received my package and it has been sitting at Melrose Park for ten days. With so many complaints about the same thing, I do not understand how it is possible that their facility does not get checked into to find out why this is happening. With so many complaints you should be ashamed of yourselves for not doing anything about this facility.
Yea...package has been there since june 24th....almost 2 weeks. Took only a week to get from china to here but 2 weeks after its sitting a state away...thanks
I have 3 packages with the same issue! they get here and then I haven't heard anything else! what happened with your packages? were they eventually delivered?
• Replied to Milkie179
I've had a package ordered, and it says it's here. I don't live here, so I though it would of changed soon, but after 12 days it says it's here. Covid-19 might influence it, that's okay. I would at least like some sort of service when it'll arrive though.
I order a package online and every time I check the tracking it says it’s been sitting in your location. I would like to know why it’s been 10 days! And I need it in Wisconsin. Every time I call no one answers or hangs up.
I'm expecting a package that I ordered online, I live in Michigan. For the last week tracking says my package is waiting at this post office, i need it sent out to me immediately
I'm expecting a package that I ordered online, I live in texas. For the last week tracking says my package is waiting at this post office, i need it sent out to me immediately
Hello i have one order form china truck number LP00161035613837 lest update
[MELROSE PARK,60160]Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item 2019-24-12, 11:39am pls can you check for me thanks
My package was stolen by a lady at 10:30 am, 12/10/2019, which video was caught by my video doorbell. She looks like followed deliverer after 6 minutes then took my package. Would you please attention some cars around you.
Our mail carrier is ERIC and he is fast, quick, never delivers the wrong mail, always has a smile and a kind word and delivers our mail as early as he can because he knows we count on the checks he delivers each day. Everyone who works here likes him and looks forward to seeing him. I would imagine that all of the businesses on this route feel the same way about him. (Great Lakes Milk, 3000 W. North Avenue, Melrose Park)
I live in 1948 n 19 th Ave apt 1r . Couple months ago we are having very bad service . We got the wrong mail from another houses or same address diferentes apt number. Maybe the parsonal is new but . Sometimes doesn't put the mail in mail box . Just tide with a rubber band. Thank you
A friend sent a package over a week ago. Was due to arrive 11/4/17. Has been sitting in Melrose Park IL post office since 11/3/17. Really? Obama ain't in office more free hand have to work...move it along people....