Harwood Heights Carrier Anx Post Office
7350 W Agatite Ave, Norridge, IL 60706
Contact Numbers
Phone: 708-452-6193
Fax: 708-452-7639
TTY: 877-889-2457
Toll-Free: 1-800-Ask-USPS® (275-8777)
Lobby Hours
Monday 8:30am - 6:00pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 6:00pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 6:00pm
Thursday 8:30am - 6:00pm
Friday 8:30am - 6:00pm
Saturday 8:30am - 2:30pm
Sunday Closed
Last Collection Times
Monday 3:00pm
Tuesday 3:00pm
Wednesday 3:00pm
Thursday 3:00pm
Friday 3:00pm
Saturday 4:00pm
Sunday Closed
*This facility does not process US Passports applications or renewals. Check nearby locations below.
*Comments below are not read by postal employees. Please do not post personal
This postal service is tweaking out, I haven’t gotten mail in over a week since last Monday and it’s Tuesday of the following week and still no mail? What’s going on with norridge mail.
Adam wigdzinski
Well I have received no help when I went to off on Agatite in Norridge I have called multiple times the phone just rings and then they slam it down to hang it up it seems like every time I’ve been there within the last two weeks to try to collect my packages because I can’t seem to find my address even though it’s in the same building it is just really aggravating when I’m trying to get packages from them and then I receive no help I find it to be horrible and extremely disgusting when it comes down to Customers service I understand you’re probably understaffed or what not but it be nice if they lose answer the phone so I can get some info
Michael Muir
I dont know how my mail man gets paid, this guy works 1 day a week at best ! But I am sure he is getting his full week paid ! Freaking disgusting what these people get away with, Time for a change !!!!!
Raymond busch
1 full week now with no mail service...not getting my bills ....still waiting for a check that my broker says they sent
8 days ago ...7105 w agatite

Where is my mail. One day yes then 3 days no. Sometimes on Sunday? I have bills and checks coming!!!!!
Lisa Ann
I have had a package sitting at Harwood Heights saying "out for delivery" since 2/18. I understood the first couple days with the snow...its now 2/23 and it shows as "exception"...when am I going to get my package? and good luck trying to call their phone system is a joke. I know we are not the only post office with this issues but holy crap what do we need to do to get our mail and packages??????
Craig Cook
Your mail service is terrible????? I have counted your vehicles when idle &
you have about 47 mail delivery vehicles and if you were to take every vertical street from Eastern Harwood Hight's to Western Norridge,
each person would have a good days work and would seem logistically.
Each one takes all packages and letter for that street....and don't tell me you do not have enough people...because in that's case you don't need all equipment...OTHER WISE SELL OUT YOUR WHOLE
MESS.. and lets privatize mail delivery.. sell all to FEDEX and UPS
and LETS CALL IT FED-UPS because that's
how I feel about your ridiculous service record!
Jim Jarosz
Why are we not getting daily postal delivery? It has been 3 days since we have received our mail. How screwed up has then US Mail become and who is to blame. Your service is horrible!
Petr Horak

I visited the post office when we moved in two years ago and mail was not being delivered. The person I interacted with ridiculed me loudly in front of about twenty people standing in line. Why? Because I didn't discuss the problem with my designated mailman before I dared to come in in person. sorry, but I work during a day when they walk around the neighborhood, and I don't have their name or phone number either. I suppose next time I need to hire a detective to figure it out for me. So yeah, it is our postal office and it didn't change a bit, and if it did, then it was a change for worse. Two days ago I was home all day long. I received Fedex packages, I received UPS package that required a signature, and then I found a sticker from USPS on a door saying that they didn't catch me at home and I should pick it up in person somewhere. As far as I'm concerned our local USPS office is a prime example of how communism works. Nobody gives a sht about anything.
Ryan Johnson

Worst delivery in Chicago-land area. They FLAT OUT LIED. Was supposed to have (2) separate orders delivered to two different residents of the home. Both orders said "out for delivery" in the early morning and than at the end of day, both (separate) orders got an update "incomplete address, will deliver next business day." There's no way (2) separate orders had incomplete addresses.
It just means the postman didn't want to deliver anymore & wanted to go home for the day, which happened to be a Saturday. We have cameras and showed no delivery attempts were ever even made. Called the Hardwood Heights office and representative said "yeah they do that, when they want to go home!" Truly pathetic because they just lied and put some b.s. excuse into their systems so it looked liked it was an incomplete address. No way! Who know if these packages will ever be delivered.......
James B Andersen

We haven't received mail in 4 days at 5105 N. Ozark ave. When we do get mail it's very late at night. Does anyone know what's going on with the Norridge postal service?
Michael Tuchel

I cannot believe how rude the person was who answered the phone at the Harwood Heights Post Office at 7350 W. Agatite!! She put me on hold 5 times and then said she cannot do anything about tracking a package. There was a package that was to be delivered on Saturday Dec. 1st and the tracking said that the package could not be delivered due to no access to the location, it is a house with a mail slot that goes inside my house!!!!! I really dont know who the USPS is hiring but you need to train your people how to deal with customers on the phone and try and help solve a problem instead of hanging up on me. That person should be fired. Absolutely not the way to treat people. The sad part is I am sure that nothing will be addressed and I still will be without an answer on why my package was not delivered. DISGRACEFUL!!