Shreveport Main Office Post Office

2400 Texas Ave, Shreveport, LA 71102

Contact Numbers

Phone: 318-677-2369
Fax: 318-677-2323
TTY: 877-889-2457
Toll-Free: 1-800-Ask-USPS® (275-8777)

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Tuesday 24 hours
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Sunday Closed

Last Collection Times

Monday 6:00pm
Tuesday 6:00pm
Wednesday 6:00pm
Thursday 6:00pm
Friday 6:00pm
Saturday 6:00pm
Sunday Closed

Passport Walk-In Hours

Monday Closed
Tuesday 10:00am - 11:00am
Wednesday 10:00am - 11:00am
Thursday 10:00am - 11:00am
Friday Closed
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Passport Appointment Hours

Monday 9:00am - 3:30pm
Tuesday 9:00am - 3:30pm
Wednesday 9:00am - 3:30pm
Thursday 9:00am - 3:30pm
Friday 9:00am - 3:30pm
Saturday 8:30am - 12:30pm
Sunday Closed

  • Visit our Passport FAQ page for a complete overview of what to bring, what you need to know, and how long it will take.
  • You will need two forms of Identification with copies.
  • A passport quality photo. Available at location.
  • The appropriate application form printed and filled out, and the required fee for applying or renewing.
  • You can find up to date costs, information, and forms at the State Departments Travel Site

*Appointments are required outside of walk-in hours to apply for or renew US Passports. Please Call or schedule online.

Bulk Mail Acceptance Hours

Monday 10:00am - 5:00pm
Tuesday 10:00am - 5:00pm
Wednesday 10:00am - 5:00pm
Thursday 10:00am - 5:00pm
Friday 10:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

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  • Passport Acceptance
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  • Lot Parking
  • Passport Appointment Hours

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Nearby Post Offices:

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0.0 mile away

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333 Milam St
1.3 miles away

326 Kings Hwy
1.3 miles away

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*Comments below are not read by postal employees. Please do not post personal information.

*By clicking Submit, you agree to our Privacy Policy & Terms of Use.


Tracking Number 9536210110915044012389 is sitting in your facility. Could you please locate the package and move forward in the system. Please reply, thank you.


Tracking Number 9505516928115021083034 is sitting in your facility. Could you please locate the package and move forward in the system. It is a long, slender package that should be very visible. Thanks.


I called to tell them that my 90 year old mothers mail is on the ground and it is raining. She has stairs that she can no longer manuver up and down. I need them to make sure that her mail is placed in the box and the lid down, so that this doesn't happen again. I have called three times, starting at 2:30 and no one answered. But the recording said the work hours is from 7:30 am until 6:00 pm. This is unacceptable! Not just terrible customer service, no customer service!!! Please take care of the elders, you will be one sooner than you think.


I need mail delivery to 1306 West Hollow Oak Lane Shreveport Louisiana 71107


Basfrop, LA Delivery exceptions, no place to put under cover, and I have a covered front porch. Always holding packages at the post office. Missing packages that say "delivered". I'm beginning to think as well as lazy, these carriers are thieves. Dumping packages on top of my car. Throwing them at the back door, when there is a sign directing all packages to the FRONT door. You need to hire workers who can read and are able to walk and want to work. They get paid plenty to do their job and they obviously aren't. I'm fed up with USPS>


I have a complaint against my mail carrier the one that delivered my mail on august 23, 2023 she put my mail on the ground when I have a box that doesn’t require a key a simple pull to open. My mail was delivered in a pile of dog poop. She is clearly not fit for the job.


I live in the Ellerbe area and it is a guess as to when we will receive mail. Often the reason given is that the postman can not access the box or door, this is a lie. I have begged Amazon to quit using USPS.


Absolutely horrible service at the E. 70th Street Post Office in Shreveport, La. Not only bad service but you have staff that lie when the truth would serve better, Even bad news is better than just making up lies. My box was shut for lack of payment..............seriously! I've had that box 8 years and ALWAYs received a notice 30 days in advance. NO NOTICE At ALL! Go up to the counter and ask the staff member why I didn't receive a notice that my rent was due...and why I receive mail only twice week for the past few months. She has the audacity to say they are short on staff because people out for Covid....then another staff member tells me they have the same number of people working they always have...they are just lazy. I am so done with USPS and looking for an alternative form of mail service. Southern Geo Supply,LLC PO BOX 52264 Shreveport, La 71135


Haven’t received grocery ads in 2 months Atlantic Ave


No mail for 19 and 20 July. 2802 East Cavett Dr


i have package in shereport d.c arrived 6:00 in the moring and they was not there long til it was scanned to be returned workers there seemd like they dont want to do there job or want to keep it


I live in Shreveport my mail service is from lynbrook station they don’t or can’t get out of thier vehicle to deliver much needed package they claim they tried to deliver truth is they did not the address is in plain sight not too tricky for high school educated person to read


I live in the elm Grove postal area and have not received any mail for the past two days but according to your app I had mail on both days and when I call the post office in elm Grove I get the answering machine and never get a response great service but you keep raising the rates


When will mail delivery rezoom on Cloverdale Drive, 71118


Apparently everyone else has the same problem I have. You have had my package at the Shreveport Sorting Facility since November 26. It is December 14 and it hasn't moved!!! What the heck is wrong with you people? Find my package!!!!! tracking # 9114 9022 9631 6650 23


Ship a package from Tallulah to Frisco TX on july 7 and package is not been delivered. My daughter received wrong package.Can your check deadpackage claim please.Tracking number is 9510815877671188204789


The USPS has time to track every person in America and who they send to and receive mail from, know for a 'fact' that President Trump is the cause of their problems, but they cannot deliver Longview Texas mail unless it sits in Shreveport LA for a month and a half! My meds are a month late and now I am waiting for a refund. Can't democrats do a d**n thing right?


#ES10012894723010001010001E0N I have a speed pack with the above reference number. It has been there at the post office for a month. how do i get it delivered to my house?


Sadly every comment says the exact same thing I have to say. Our package has been sitting in the Shreveport facility for over a month and a half. It was shipped from Texas TO Texas and it still had to go to Shreveport and just sit. It was an urgent matter and it’s still not been resolved. My grandmother is sick and she’s waiting on her package with her meds. This is not right. How do we get rid of this facility and open up a more competent distribution facility?


Did you ever get your package? Also sent from Austin to East Texas but my package has been stuck in Shreveport for 2 weeks.
• Replied to Display this




I've had a package that says departed Shreveport, LA on Dec 18. The destination city is Odenton, MD. Called Odenton and they don't see that the package was assigned a container. Have been on HOLD for an hour and 19 minutes. No one has answered the phone all day. Tracking is 9400108205496013691277. Any help is appreciated.


I've had a package stuck at Shreveport since December 21.#9405508205496056868141 It is now Jan.4th.


did you ever receive your package? mine has been in Shreveport for 2 weeks now.
• Replied to daryl maresch


I agree with others. I have packages stuck in S’port. Filed a complaint and got a case number to no avail. Since I filed on the 16th there have been no updates. Here it is Dec. 22 and says it is in transit from S’port. It arrived in S’Port on the 12th. I live 60 miles from S’port. This is very frustrating and disappointing. Someone needs to be held accountable.


Im not understanding why my tracking has stopped in Shreveport from Longview, when the package needs to go to New Port News VA. A package made it to NY..but not to VA??? And NO further info on where it is at??? Bizarre...


I granddaughters birthday present along with my granddaughter and grandsons Christmas presents on the 8th of December and as of today 20 December the package has not arrived at their location. Also, granddaughter's birthday has come and gone and Christmas is only 5 days away I am afraid they will not get their Christmas present until after Christmas. So sad and shame on our poorly ran postal service.


I don't even know why we complain about anything. Management never follows through with our complaints. I have complained numerous times about my postal carrier with nothing to be done. This is can't be the reason for our stamps to go up, if it was then we would have better service.


I have a Christmas present sitting at the package warehouse since 10/23. I thought I was avoiding the Christmas rush. What I don't understand is I'm getting other packages in which I ordered later. Do you think this might be under or behind something? This is very strange.


I have had packages go smoothly on to next locations for years, and now this year I have to wait months for a package to be delivered. My tracking on packages are always showing a standstill of over and over again information saying "Arrived at our Shreveport usps, intransitive to next facility", and then followed by "Accepted by our facility, now processing " In that order, Every single time. I have a package that has been at your facility for 2 weeks now, and it has shown at least 4 times that it has left Shreveport and in the same day says Arrived at shreveport. This is getting ridiculous. I understand real world issues that make it hard when employees can't gointo work but this can't be blamed for "covid" over and over. What's the deal shreveport??


WHY IN THE WORLD is shipping from Shreveport to Longview, TX 55 miles away SO DELAYED??????????????????????? Get off your ass and do your job! Get these shipments out the door !!!!!!! Why the Longview mail has to go through Shreveport is beyond me! HORRIBLE service!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Same for mail from and going to Lufkin, TX. Ridiculous amount of time mail and packages stay in Shreveport!!! My sister mailed a card from Iowa and it took 6 weeks to get here! Medical package mailed from New Braunfels, Texas to Lufkin, TX stayed in Shreveport 10 full days and took 3 weeks to get here! And supposedly medical packages were to get priority! Wrong! Nothing is priority even Priority Mail in Shreveport! Complaining only gets diverted to destination city which does nothing about the real problem which is Shreveport, LA!
• Replied to Leza K


My wife's meds took 12-13 days from shipment from Indiana , 6-7 days in Shreveport. Is there a reason? Have staffing levels been impacted by CV19. Has overtime been curtailed?


I have had several items with tracking numbers that have arrived at the Shreveport USPS in a timely manner; however, each item has stayed in Shreveport post office for full 7 days each time before being sent on to Texas! Shreveport USPS is most inefficient post office I have ever seen! Greatest fail ever sending Texas mail through Shreveport USPS; even local mail goes there before coming back! Everyone here is receiving bills and other mail weeks late!


I have a package that was mailed to me on 7-23. It arrived in Los Angles on 7-30. I tracked it until 8-4 it said on time. On 8-5 it said arriving late. Today is 8-19. I think it is in Shreveport, because they have mail and packages stacked up. I think a month is long enough to wait on a package. Edna Arnold.


Ordered a product that went through Shreveport and since Mid July it says it departed and is in transit to next facility. There have been no updates and has been in transit since July 23rd. I guess they put it on a turtles back to make the trek to Ohio.


I have had a package at the Shreveport post office August 7th!!! What in the hell is going on at your facility! Your service is pathetic. You should be ashamed and embarrassed. Clearly need a whole new staff from the manager all the way down!


This has got to be one of the worst costomer service organizations in the country. I live 20-30 miles from the Shreveport VA and rely on them for medications. Due to Covid, they use the Shreveport USPS to mail our medication. It has been over a week since it was mailed and I still haven't received it. This is unacceptable!


I’ve had numerous issues with the post office here lately. Last week the tracking said my package was delivered but it wasn’t. I was told my normal mail carrier was out that day, so who knows where my package went. A package That I was expecting today from California was on time until it reached the distribution center in Shreveport on is the delivery date. It will be late. I have a small business and this had affected my ability to complete orders. I’ve had to spend more money to buy products in town that aren’t of the best quality. I am going to have to use FedEx or UPS to insure my client gets his package since I don’t trust USPS to get it there by Saturday.


why cant i get my packages that are stuck in shreveport? i have been waiting on some for over three weeks, every day i check and the date has been changed for 2-3 more days.. well, this is stuff i ordered for my grandaughters wedding and i needed it 3 weeks ago as planned... i also have medicine stuck at the post office in shreveport, and from the pics i saw on the news a couple of nights ago, its just junked up in boxes outside the post office . what is going on./ who is going to pay me for the lost $$$ for me having to buy stuff again and ruined meds ?? I need some answers and now.


What do you plan to do about all the packages stuck in Shreveport? Nobody seems to care that packages are just sitting in Shreveport. Try taking some pride in your work and DO YOUR JOB!


Have been waiting on a package for over a week now and thought it was finally about to arrive but then tracking information said it arrived at Monroe La office only to be put back on the truck and sent back to Shreveport Louisiana where it had already sat for over a week. What's up with that ? 😠😠


I live just across the Texas line so all of my mail is routed through Shreveport. I order supplies for my business and church regularly. I recently ordered sealed communion supplies because of the COVID scares. It was shipped on July 20 from Alabama, arrived in Shreveport on July 21, then made treks across Texas and places unknown before finally being delivered on July 30 and the grape juice was fermented thanks to our heat. But this was actually a FAST package most sit in Shreveport for 7-14 days, I do believe the USPS Shreveport hub is where packages enter the "Bermuda Triangle" And they have made it impossible to speak to anyone by phone anymore, email system is a JOKE. And even at my job location in Shreveport we went for 7 days with NO mail delivery or pick up. Employees were taking packages home to ensure they got mailed to our customers. As I write this I await 4 packages that are in the dead hole of Shreveport USPS Hub.


What the heck is going on with the Shreveport USPS distribution center? I have had packages sit in transit for three freaking weeks and no one ever responds when filing a complainant online, and there is no point in calling because they wont allow you to speak with anyone that can help. It just forwards you to a recording to make a complaint online. Whoever is in charge over there needs to be canned ASAP!!


Call your State Rep and your US Representatives. That is the only way anything will get done! Calling the USPS is a waste of time. They will not do anything. Mail delivery services are extremely import for the delivery of medical supplies and prescribed drugs. Many people may suffer and possibly die if they do not get their medicine or supplies on time! Tell everyone you know to make a few phone calls. If enough people complain they will take action.


I live in shreveport but work in Texas. My mail carrier in my shreveport neighborhood is so unreliable, that I started having my mail delivered to my work address in Texas. That seemed to solve the problem since the mail carrier in texas was reliable. However, a new problem has cropped up. The mail still gets processed through the hub in Shreveport and I have packages that have sat there for over two weeks. Amazon prime packages, regular packages. It doesn't matter. They are all just sitting there. One has been "in transit" since July 17th and it is now July 30th. I have no idea what is going on. I even heard this problem reported on the radio station this morning. This is a huge problem.


For anyone else reading these comments, I did have two packages arrive on time this week. However, I want to note that both packages did not go through Shreveport! One came from south Louisiana, near New Orleans. It came straight to me in East Texas, without going to Shreveport at all. Another package came from Dallas and came straight to me in East Texas, again never going to Shreveport. So perhaps they are rerouting mail to avoid Shreveport when possible. I can only hope that is the case. Shreveport needs to be shut down and let everyone else handle the mail. Those people clearly can't do it.
• Replied to Bree


Seriously what the Hell is going on with this location. Package just sit here for several days on end. No wonder ups and fedex is taking all the business. Your service sucks royal. Typical government employees useless..


The disclaimer above says that our comments are not read by postal employees. Anyone having access to this website can read and post comments, including postal employees. The Pony Express carried mail 75-100 miles each day. I live less than 175 miles from Shreveport and it takes the USPS 8 - 10 days to deliver my mail! Maybe they should consider using motorized vehicles instead of walking postal carriers! I assume they are using walking postal carriers because they are only averaging 15 miles per day! Common guys wake up. The Shreveport facility is a petri dish for incompetence and inefficiency. I can't blame the employee's as they do what they are told by management. It's time to clean house and fire the existing management team and put competent, knowledgeable and accountable professionals in there to reorganize and properly run that operation. All we get from these failing managers are excuses why they can't perform. They wouldn't (and shouldn't) have jobs if they were in the private sector. The private sector doesn't reward failure like the USPS does. Results are what we need from you not more reasons why you can't fix the problem. You should be embarrassed and ashamed of yourselves. Do you remember this quote, "When times get tough the tough get going"? DO IT! GET OFF YOUR BUTTS AND FIX THE PROBLEM OR STEP ASIDE! If you do not do it soon, you will find yourselves out of a job when the USPS is closed down and the services you so poorly provide are privatized!


8 packages sitting in Shreveport right now. One for 1 1/2 weeks now.They don't care that we have the technology to track the packages that run smoothly through the system until they hit this broke-ass cog in the machine.I,m we-mailing the Postmaster General, even though I know I'm pissing against the wind.


I am having the same issue. I have four packages that have been sitting at the main post office on texas for days now. This has never happend . I have seen a day or two in delay but this is crazy. I live in Shreveport and one of my packages also is sitting in keithville. this is just nuts
• Replied to Kenneth Carrigan


This place needs to be shut down my daughter's birthday package was received at Shreveport on July 6th and it has not updated or moved since then. I contacted usps and was told usps never received the package but my tracking says they did. Now my husband has a package that arrived in Shreveport last week it showed the package left the facility a couple days later then updated that the package actually left there several days later. How in the heck are these people faking tracking information and stealing packages and nothing is being done ???


My package has been at a post office in Shreveport since July 10th. I need to know If it was lost or what!!!


Non-action employees needing to hear that whip crack.


Poor service from the hub center, I have a package that’s been sitting there now 5 days, I have informed delivery and have been tracking packages that sit in Shreveport for days sometimes up to a week before they send it on to Texarkana where I live!!! Something needs to be done w Shreveport post services


Same here! I have a package that has been sitting there since early morning on Thursday, July 23rd, 2020 and it was supposed to be delivered on today, Saturday, July 25th, 2020. I just can't understand why it's still in Shreveport, LA.
• Replied to Jeremy Matherly


So this is just a trash location with trash employees and trash management. Think they need to replace the postmaster at this location. Lots of people needing jobs right now and this is a glaring example of a business that needs to just wipe the board clean and start fresh with new staff.


313 Phelps Shreveport Louisiana 71107 We aren't happy with the route carrier we seen her pass mail box we have the red flag up and mail to go out passed right by and was speeding they didn't pick up mail and we haven't seen any mail in the last couple of days someone not doing there job!


I have had a package at this facility for almost two weeks. It never fails, my package could be on track for delivery until it arrives to this facility. I’ve paid for priority mail and I expect to get it when it’s supposed to be here. It’s no fault of the company sending it BUT this particular post office. Shreveport, what do you all have going? Need more employees? Do better.


I am having this same exact problem! I have a ton of packages stuck there & they were moving fast until they got to the Shreveport Post Office and now they are all arriving late. So aggravating!
• Replied to Siccud


I don't understand how my package can go through NEW YORK faster than SHREVEPORT, LA!!!!!!!! It was processed in under 3hours in NY and has been sitting in Shreveport for 5days!!!! This is absolutely ridiculous and unacceptable. Then, if I try and check on the status no one will answer the phone. YOU CAN NOT CONTACT ANYONE THERE!!!!! DOES ANYONE REALLY WORK THERE?????? I want to know where my package is, I have $130.00 worth of items just sitting somewhere!!!!! This needs to be fixed!!!!


This GD incident takes the prize for the USPS F***UPS!! I have an online business and sent out an item in Stafford, VA. The GD post office took forever to deliver the package and she decided that she wanted her money back. So I decided that she wasn't getting her money and the item also; so I put an intercept on the package to be sent back to me. The item was sent out by me on 5-28-20 and the intercept was put on 6-9-20 and I have yet to see the son of a witch! It is NOW 7-15-20. Do the math!!!! I've tried to complain about it and cannot get in touch with anybody but I've left a message; probably NEVER any response. THIS IS NOT DUE TO COVID19! THIS IS JUST AN EXCUSE FOR THEIR STUPIDITY! I will never ship anything again through these idiots! I'm going FedEx.........


7/13 Waited in line For 45 mins. One clerk having issues with her machine. The other left for lunch at 12:30. ,I assume, leaving absolutely no one to service the 10 + people who had been patiently waiting. At 12:50 the clerk with the machine problem left and went to administrative office. I left at 12:55. Many left prior to me. I feel the supervisor should have been notified immediately to help deal with this! Ridiculous situation


where is this certified updates since july 7...and delayed according to original expected delivery date... usps tracking number:7014 2120 0000 5553 1268 PLEASE UPDATE STATUS IMMEDIATELY


I was very disturbed by the treatment of the postal person who tweeted her views of “black lives matter.” She was not being hateful or obnoxious. She was just expressing her thoughts as everyone!!! has a right to do. What hypocrisy to choose her tweet to criticize. You have just opened yourself up for legal actions and public disgust!!!


Why is my package still at the Shreveport main postal facility it's been there for nearly a week. That's why the usps don't need to be handy any packages any more but they want more money


It seems more often than not, that when a package that I have ordered ends up at this facility. It is either lost or delayed by several days. When the same package sits at any other USPS facility for no more than 24 hrs and then on its way. Not this facility, at this facility the same package will sit for 72 hrs and then move. Surely the management at this facility does not have the professional attitude that this is acceptable.


I once again did not have postal delivery or pick up on Oneonta Street, Shreveport, LA 71106. What are we to do? I actually called my 71106 office twice after expected delivery and they said “deliveries are still out.” What the hell are we supposed to do as loyal customers. This is a Saturday night and Oli apparently have no recourse.


My tenant in Athens, Louisiana is going to be evicted due to the fact she mails the rent on the 4th of each month and it does not reach California until the 20th or 23rd of the month. I am going to write the Post Master In Washington, D.C. and find why your workers cannot get out the mail. I will also post an ad in the Shreveport newspaper and maybe the person in charge can get fired. I am going to suggest that my tenant files a lawsuit on delivery of mail and especially blame you guys for getting evicted.


I am going to follow up with the D.C. Postmaster as well! I have numerous packages that have sat in the facility for days and I have PROOF. MOST people I've spoken to have had the SAME issues. This is unacceptable!
• Replied to Lee Sims


You have a PERISHABLE Priority mail box sitting in this location. I'm sure the contents are ruined now. What good did it do to pay $85 for Priority mail if you're not going to honor it? Who reimburses me for that and my product?


Why is the all the Post Office closed on Saturday? At least one could be opened till noon.


What's going on with sheveport Louisiana post office with processing packages that get delivered to this main office for delivery in the state of Louisiana why is my package just sitting at this facility and not moving since the 24th of February


Sitting on day 6 (and a half) since my package was "accepted" at the Shreveport facility. No change since. UPS got it through 5 states in just less than 2 days. Why it was turned over to sit idle for twice that long... I just can't understand. It's frustrating for it to get an hour and a half from me only to be turned over to sit in inefficiency.


had a package arrive at usps on feb. 1st. received in kilgore 70 miles away on the 10th. this has become normal for items received from ups. should be a better way.


I have two packages from two different shippers who transferred these packages from UPS to the USPS in Shreveport. One package was delivered to them on 1-10th, the other on 1-11th. They are still sitting at the USPS center in Shreveport. This is totally unacceptable!!!


I have a package that was received by the Shrevrport office on the 23rd of December. It's now the 30th of December and its STILL at the Shreveport office. I don't understand how this pkg can go halfway across the country kn two days with ups but spends a week at shreveport post office. And yall wonder why you're steadily losing business.


I work for Walmart shreve city. One your associates, who was in uniform, representing your company, came in cussing at my employees. She was yelling that we need good customer service and she always give customer service at her job and had my employee gotten up off her ass, she would have been known her medicine ready. My employee was looking through bags for a lost insurance for a patient when she broke line, because she was on her break, to holler at her if she could see if her script was ready. My cashier told her to go to the drop off window and they could redo it and she refused to move. When she finally moved to the window she was still cussing, saying she didn't have time to wait. Just thought you should know how you are being represented and didn't think you would appreciate your employees cussing at people while representing your company.


I never have any issues with USPS Unless it has to go through the Shreveport location. 2 separate packages both have been chilling at the Shreveport location for over a week One for 2 weeks , and when they finally leave the facility they delivered them to the wrong city and are now back in Shreveport. I have no faith in this facility.


I am looking for a package that has been held up at your location since the 25th and I would like to know what is the problem. I have called several times and waited and waited. Then I put myself on the call back list and of course no phone call in the designated time they said they would call. 30 to 45 minutes it said and still haven't received a phone call. Can someone please let me know why my package has not been delivered. trckng# 927489991676655818049


This is my second mailing this month that got sent around the country . Tracking # 9400109699937659214519 (for example) as soon as it hits the Shreveport post office (destination Haughton) - it gets sent to Dallas. I had another one around the 10th of July. Whats the problem?


We do not wish to receive mail on Saturday 6/29 so that other postal workers can attend the funeral of our wonderful mail carrier. Watson Educational Services 3218 Line Ave. Suite 100 Shreveport, LA 71104


I didn't receive a package that the seller notified me was delivered. Went to the post office on E. 70th (since they don't answer the phone) and was told it was misdelivered. Didn't even apologize. Don't know when/if it'll be delivered. Post office property is filthy and no one was even behind the counter for 10 minutes after I arrived. I had to call out.


I arrived home to a package that had been delivered. It was delivered to to the wrong address. The contents were HUMAN REMAINS! This is gross negligence and I had to deliver to the correct address. Due to the contents, I felt someone was surly waiting on this and it improper to just leave it sitting out. What if someone had stolen it? Shouldntbsomeone have to sign for something like this?


The USPS has literally crushed my Priority mail package from Miracle Noodles two weeks in a row and still delivered it drippingnliquid to my door step. I am amazed and appalled. I took pictures and emaile them to the company.


I'm not getting my weekly sale papers. Lately they have not been delivered but twice a month. I emailed two weeks ago & the papers were put in my box afte hours. But last week I called (the LYNBROOK POST OFFICE) and was told, by Anthony, to come up and get them if I wanted them. This is a little ridiculous. I don't know who to contact to get anything done about it permanently. If anyone has advice for me, please give it.


I was just on my way home from the store in Southern Hills area and saw a citizen climb in the back of the mail truck & shut the door behind her. The postal worker hid behind the truck so I wouldn't notice, guess what, I saw! I know this can not be legal


Main Post Office in La. north is what I thought a secure location to do business. I took a package there after hours and went to loading dock. I saw a worker with name tag and cameras above so I asked if he could take my postage paid package and help me. He said yes and took it.That package is nowhere to be found. I'm out $85 and $30 was for shipping. Shouldn't the post office be responsible since I was on government property?


Sir, When I was on my way home from work on 4-18-2017 I happened to pass by one of your employees delivering mail around the corner of Allen Ave and Aston Street. I know that the trend for many blacks today is to wear their clothes below the hip so their buttocks and underwear are showing, however I never expected to see a postman delivering mail with his butt hanging out. I expect it breaks protocol with every dress code in the US Gov. I am only reporting this because it looked and is disgusting to see such dress on a Government employee. I hope you mention this to the mail carriers in the Allendale district. I would think that more professionalism is expected from Postal Employees.

* is not a part of, or affiliated with, the official United States Postal Service (USPS).