Tiger Post Office
3212b Lemone Industrial Blvd, Columbia, MO 65201
Contact Numbers
Phone: 573-441-1862
TTY: 877-889-2457
Toll-Free: 1-800-Ask-USPS® (275-8777)
Lobby Hours
Monday 9:00am - 5:30pm
Tuesday 9:00am - 5:30pm
Wednesday 9:00am - 5:30pm
Thursday 9:00am - 5:30pm
Friday 9:00am - 5:30pm
Saturday 9:00am - 1:00pm
Sunday Closed
Last Collection Times
Monday 4:30pm
Tuesday 4:30pm
Wednesday 4:30pm
Thursday 4:30pm
Friday 4:30pm
Saturday 1:30pm
Sunday Closed
*This facility does not process US Passports applications or renewals. Check nearby locations below.
*Comments below are not read by postal employees. Please do not post personal
Had ordered some merchandise that was taking exceptionally long to arrive. Last Friday tracking said it was out for delivery, but the time kept getting changed to later in the day. When I didn't get it, I assumed there was a delay & I'd get it the next day. I was relieved when the tracking showed it was on the truck & again out for delivery on Saturday until I saw the time was again getting pushed later & later. I knew something wasn't right. When I checked the tracking again a little after 7 that evening, it showed someone picked up my pkg at 7pm. What??? I sure didn't pick it up, so who did? Does the post office just give pkgs to anyone without checking who they are? And how can my pkg go from being on the truck & 'out for delivery' to picked up at post office? I have lots of questions. Of course, the post office is closed today for MLK day, but you can bet I'll be calling them tomorrow to see what happened with my pkg. In the meantime, the company I purchased my merchandise from won't do anything for me because they show it was 'delivered' they're telling me...not 'picked up' but delivered. What a mess! Sadly, this is not the first time something like this has happened. There have been several issues with my mail & pkg's with USPS.
Jadyn Ayers
Can't get through to anyone. Don't even get put on hold just a busy signal.
Oakbrook Dr
It seem the postal carrier just opens up the mail boxes and throws the mail at it no telling whos mail ends up in what box.
Worst USPS facility in the United States!!! No doubt!!!
Open mail
I recieved my package today and someone opened my mail. I have a big whole in my package. It's illegal to open someone's mail and is unacceptable. I will take pictures and document this incident.
Well I've had issues with tire station in the past I think that these old comments need to be taken off this page what happened three and five years ago has no bearing on what's happening today I think that's unfair and it's making people have a biased opinion of United States postal service in Columbia Missouri
C. Partusch
I would like to add to the complaints about what is happening concerning mail delivery in The BROOKS. Three of the packages that were left Sunday on top of our mail stations were mine. All three could have been put in my own mailbox if there was no package box available. Although we have at least four large boxes with keys available for packages. If that was not possible, then they should have been delivered directly to my house and placed on the front porch which is protected from weather. Until recently, that’s the way it was always done. We seldom have an issue with UPS or FedEx. But this was totally unacceptable. Thankfully, the packages were not stolen. It was not raining, and good neighbors brought the packages to the house. Something needs to be done. Perhaps better training? I realize it is difficult to get employees these days, but they should be vetted and trained.
Carol Kvanvig
I am no longer willing to put up with improper mail service! We have had sloppy delivery in The Brooks for the past 2 years. Letters are placed in the wrong boxes or mail is found on the ground which was obviously dropped by the carrier. Now they have been placing packages on the ground beside the boxes or on top of it. Fix these problems immediately as this is very obviously highly unacceptable!
Jessica Hafner
I’d like to place a complaint about postal service this week in the Brooks subdivision. Twice in the past week, several packages have been left out in the open on top or on the ground next to the communal post office boxes in the neighborhood. A few of us have already been dealing with petty crime such as cars being broken into, so this is just baiting criminals to keep coming to our neighborhood with packages up for grabs out in the open. Please advise as to how this issue is being dealt with.
Becky Turner
Took 6 try’s calling to get someone to answer and when they did they were still talking to someone else there with them. Very unprofessional. My son has had his mail sent to my address for almost 2 years. He has only gotten a hand full of mail and the important paperwork from lawyers and SSN office which I know for a fact have the correct address he has never received. Now his state and federal refunds are lost because they do not deliver his mail to our address as it has on it. He has lost out on a lot of things because of this but the excuses I received were just that, excuses!!! Just deliver the mail with the address shown and don’t assume you know who does or doesn’t live at that address.
Retha Smith
For the third time my package was delivered to the wrong address, (my address is 2385 Alfalfa Dr and the mail was delivered to 2385 Buffalo. When I called the second time I was told that they had temp. people delivering the mail and that they were not familiar with the route. The poor lady where this is constantly delivered to has graciously delivered the packages to me each time. This is NOT her responsibility to do so. Your mail carrier need to pay more attention to not only the street address, but the street name.
Gary Fields
Twice in the last month I have found mail lying in the street, on Cotton Wood and Thompson for people in the next block. All letters were unopened except one. Not being one to complain, I just made sure the mail got to the addressee, either someone is getting into mailboxes or the carrier is negligent. Just an observation
My package was scanned on 2/22, but I never received it. I spoke with John, an employee, on 2/23 to let him know that my package hadn't been received and to see if he could help in finding it.. He began to illustrate a map of where the postal carrier scanned the package, describing a building that clearly wasn't mine. He asked for my information and said he'd follow up with the carrier and call me back.
On 2/24 at approximately 4:00, I called the post office and John answered the phone. I followed up on the package as if he'd remembered our conversation from the day before but didn't, so I happily gave him the details of the story again. He said that he would need to follow up with the carrier and would let me know.
On 2/25 I called the office again, and politely asked John if he'd heard anything about my package. He replied "well obviously not, or I would have called you back!"
At this present moment John is "still trying to help me find my package", but I am unimpressed with the level of follow up and customer service provided by him.