0/100 for this place. Invalid phone number listed, over 2 full weeks waiting for a package that is STILL not out for delivery despite arriving last night, the awful automated phone system offers a review but doesn't actually have a system to give a review. Why can't I call the post office? Why are you so incompetent? Stuff like this is why you lose $10 billion a year and why you're going to be fired. You do a TERRIBLE and UNACCEPTABLE job. Look into disability since you people would not survive in the private sector.
North Dakota Vision Services / School for the Blind
Your phone number is out of service. We have not had mail delivered for two days this week, this will be the third. We are coming to the end of our fiscal year and are waiting on checks. We MUST have mail delivery ASAP. I have waited on hold to the 800 number for long lengths of time and cannot get any help. Please be advised we have a pile of boxes waiting to be picked up. 500 Stanford Road, Grand Forks ND 58203. Feel free to call us at 701-795-2700
My name is Margaret. I am the Business Development Specialist with HireQuest Direct. We are a staffing angency and someone from your office reached out to the Grand Forks HireQuest location. They want us to help them find Temp to Hire employees. Please call me @ 701-318-0831 Thank you!
This morning, I tried to call the PO in Grand Forks several times. None of the phone Nrs. worked. I was trying to find info on passports and drove 50 miles to GF PO only to be told, I needed an appointment. Also told I can go to a building across from city hall downtown to apply. So I drove there only oit was actually in the city hall, not as told by PO employee.
There I was told they can't take picture because of mask mandate. I was sent back to the South end to FEDX to have pivture taken, then back to downtown. I am 76 years old and this was a big hassle for me. Just had to let you know.
Your toll free number will not get me to the Grand Forks Post Office and your phone number says disconnected. I am in Iowa and need to ask about a piece of mail that seems to have gotten hung up.
Every year I get permission from my doctor to have my mail delivered right to my door. It always takes weeks for this to be done. We can never directly talk to the postmaster. No one out front seems to know how to help us. I am 88 years old as the weather gets worse I will not be able to walk down the street to the mailbox. Can anyone help.
This is complete crap that we can not call our local post office because you have a nonworking number listed. The 800 number doesn't even address the question I have.
The phone number listed on the website is "out of service". Do you think you could update your website? It is very disappointing to have to call an 800 number for service.....and listen to several minutes of recording that doesn't answer my question! Please give this community the opportunity to call our local Post Office directly for the service that we deserve!
How do I get help? The box delivered to me is jammed in the post office box so tight there is no way I can remove it. There is a lip in the front and it is flush to back. It takes a key to open and I had to leave the key in in and come and try to contact you. I'm not to fond of leaving it in the opened mail box
I’ve lived in the same complex for FOUR years. Then get a slip in my box saying VACANT new owner?!? What the hell. No wonder my mail has been rejected multiple times😤
I hope this gets to the Grand Forks Office. The Park Manor Mobile Home Court has just installed new boxes for our mail, BUT the box numbers DO NOT correspond with our address numbers. This creates confusion and unnecessary angst. There are plenty of boxes to restore the old system. PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK.
Absolutely love our mail person!
Always comes to our door with packages that wont fit in the mailbox, always waves, very friendly. I have never had a bad experience in the store either. Rain or snow... you mailman/woman have never let me down. THANK YOU!!!
I am so sick and tired of the postal people not doing their job. My Mother who is elderly is home 24-7 and they don't knock they don't ring the bell they don't leave it in the over sized mail boxes either. They just want me to come and pick it up...got news for you i pay for delivery service and it about time the post office gives it.
Grand Forks postal ervice fails to take responsibility for the deliveries. They leave packages on the edge of the property outside of the delivery area of the home. What happened to the days when they would leave the package at the door? Why do they not take responsibility for delivery anymore? It is like guesswork trying to figure out where a package was delivered to....like "Where's Waldo?", where did they leave the package today? Wondering if anyone else has this problem where they throw things over the fence,fail to deliver things to the door. OR is this the new workforce in the post office? What's up with all of this lack of care or customer service? What is this new problem with the delivery to the door?
The USPS Sure Post is SURE UNRELIABLE. I have an issue with every package being sent to the wrong outer town post office and it bounces around like a basketball. This is Wednesday, originally it said package got to Grand Forks on Monday at 4:18 AM. Being we do not have a carrier that comes out of our town, it goes back to GF and maybe gets sent to the other small town where our rural carrier is based. Now it says on tracking I have the wrong number for tracking. This circus goes on for just about every package. Why can't Grand Forks get it right and send the rural deliveries to the correct post office. This has been years of this happening. What's more, contacting the GF office is a near impossibility, the phone number is no good as listed and going through Sure Post you have options and hoops that make you feel like a bunny rabbit. Customer seervice is not here. A rating of 1 - 10 for their customer service is a ZERO.
horrible service, our mailman is out of uniform and looks homeless half the time, they wont leave packages and keep returning them to sender even tho my name has been on our box for months now, and the other name they know is still here with me. Wont answer the phone when you call the PO, just an absolute disgrace. I find it better to have all mail directed to fargo and pick it up once a month. No issues
For the thirty years we have lived at our address we have had gifts and mail gone missing delivered to a similar address but street address not ave.. Today the street address brought over a hand ful of mail that was once again delivered to the wrong address. SOme of it was very impt mail. I glad they didn't throw it away, because we never recieived gifts etc apparently delivered to the wrong address Wonder what else we are missing.. Very frustrated
I am a very displeased customer! We have received other people's mail every day for the past 7 days! We have either delivered it to its owner or put it back in the mailbox. I have been waiting for a small package which was mailed on March 29th from Tennessee. It should have been delivered at least 5 days ago. My fear is that it was delivered to the wrong address and I will never see it! What is going on with the mail service around here????? If I don't get my package by Thursday, April 11th I will file a claim/complaint whatever I need to do. For your info, I did contact the company who mailed the package.
This office is terrible. I'm expected to pay a 2nd time for a package I sent two weeks ago to my grandsons in Michigan, that was damaged by them in the process of delivering it that was later returned to my home without the delivery address the gentleman had attached to it himself at the post when I sent the package off. So you can damage my packaging and product in your care how many times before it's NOT my fault or responsibility
Had a ups package to be transferred to usps for delivery but it was denied by usps. Now is being returned for delivery when the package was in grand forks for 3 days.
Any reason usps would deny the package?
Twice this week my packages have been delivered to the wrong address. Luckily my neighbor is bringing them to me when she finds them. PLEASE have carriers check house numbers - it has been clearly marked on the packages both times. 1422 is NOT 1442
My address is 4912 Silver Gate Drive. My youngest went to get the mail and had a key for box p2 she had problems inserting the key and it didn't open. So the package is still in the box. Would like my package. Have the mailperson delivery to my door! Ty
I have some missing mail!! Mail was sent out of Bismarck 2nd week of December and have yet to receive! Confirmed with Bismarck motor vehicle dept that it indeed was mailed.
I love this post office!! We are transitioning from one residence to another and are worried about our mail. We have a very important package coming containing gym shoes for our daughters that they want to wear to school on Monday morning. I called the post office at 8:10am to ask them to leave my incoming package at the post office so I could pick it up. They answered on the second ring. They found my package while we were on the phone and set it aside for me. YAY!!
I have had the worst experiences with this post office. The employees are unnecessarily rude, but the ones that have any manners are clueless about their job duties; furthermore, their passport hours are terrible. They would be wise to consider the needs of this community and shape up.