At 5PM on the dot, as an employee held the door for a departing customer, I attempted to enter and mail my rent. The employee told me the post office was closed, and when I informed her it was my rent, she just looked at me without expression and said: "Closed." I pushed past her and put my envelope in the slot on the wall, and left, as I did the employee told me I couldn't push past her, and I replied I just did. She said"Your mail won't go out anyway today. Have a nice day." I replied "Have a nice day. have two; they're small."
She locked the door behind me, and said, turning away"Go f--k yourself." Responding to which, I am ashamed to say I called her an ugly name--not racist, but ugly-- and out of frustration because at any other place of business at closing, had a customer come in to do what amounted to a four second's worth of activity, an employee would have let them in.
I apologize for my remark, and regret that I made it.
I am a senior citizen, and a resident of the neighborhood for over 4 decades. I'd like to think I might expect a little courtesy and even kindness when I come to the post office-- even if I happen to show up just as an employee wishes to close. I was not in need of any other service or help, nor did my mailing of an envelope take even a minute of time.
Now I fear my rent will be 'lost' or its delivery slowed because of this interaction. So I write this email to document that today I brought it in at closing--but while the door was yet to be locked-- and mailed it-- and to document why such a disservice might occur.
The Package Drop Box has been out of order for quite some time. There is a sign informing customers that it is out of order and to use the white and green tubs to leave packages. The tubs are basically open baskets with zero security. Packages get stolen, especially in the early hours (8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.) when employees are not present at the front area.