Salem 2 Post Office
1050 25th St SE, Salem, OR 97301
Contact Numbers
Phone: 503-370-4781
Fax: 503-370-4707
TTY: 877-889-2457
Toll-Free: 1-800-Ask-USPS® (275-8777)
Carrier Facility: This location is for mail processing only. For retail services, please use one of the nearby locations below.
*Comments below are not read by postal employees. Please do not post personal
MailLess in Salem
My mailbox was broken into at the apartments I live out. Instead of fixing it as the post office is supposed to they make excusses. I have to go to them instead.
Today my brother went with ID of our address and the LIARS said there was no mail. How do I know they are LIARS ? Because I was allerted to USPS delivery.
This is Government and Post Office incompitence at its finest. But thank GOD the Ukraines were sent 100s of billions of dollars. Meanwhile Americans can not even get mail.

finger prints

I was berated and lectured by a very tall USPS employee named Bryan for not wearing a mask in the lobby while eating a cookie that was offered to me there. I was there, with an appointment, to get fingerprints, waiting patiently, and keeping a quiet and respectful distance from other occupants, for a whole hour while my person arrived. My appointment was not with this man, and he had no reason to engage in discussion with me. He was very rude, did not welcome me, nothing. He just walked right up to me after coming in from smoking a cigarette outside, and said sternly "where is your mask." I tried to ignore him, as he stood close to me lecturing me about masks. Then an hour later the person I had an appointment with arrived and she and I began to discuss kindly the situation and requirements for fingerprinting, including masks, and this tall man named Bryan walked up to us, stood very closely, and interrupted us about 20 times. The whole time she was engaged with me and me only, discussing carefully and kindly with me. His comments edged into what she was trying to tell me, cutting her off each time, not allowing her to finish her thought each time, interrupting her over and over again, as I said, about 20 times. Each time I asked him to please wait. This made him even more angry. I continued to state "Excuse me, please do not interrupt". I am a school teacher so this comes naturally. I repeated this about 20 times over 5 or ten minutes, each time he interrupted her, but he interrupted all the more, angrier each time. I waited three hours in total, as they said "we cannot get the finger-printing machine to work". I believe that I was wrongly refused fingerprints because I had asked several detailed questions and provided documentation about the current State of Oregon masking updates, which included an update by the USPS policy dated that day, Februa. It gets worse. When I handed this mask-policy paper to the person I had an appointment with, this tall man named Bryan who claimed to be a postmaster took the paper before the woman I was handing it to could accept it, with whom I had an appointment, and tossed it in the recycle bin. He said he could do this because he was a postmaster, and that he would make sure himself personally that I would never get a job working at the post office. I replied that I had been directed to this office to get finger prints and I had done nothing to warrant his treatment of me. He replied that he would get several witnesses to say whatever he wanted them to say so that I would never be hired by the post office. I quietly left having wasted three hours at the post office and gas to drive a very long ways.